分类: Essay练习

9 篇文章

Small Act Big Kindness
Hello everyone! My name is Lu Shuyu. I am very glad to stand here to give all of you a speech. Today I want to share a brief story that happened around me. My grandfather, who…
Your Choice Determines Your MIRAI
Date: 2020/3/12 Title: Your Choice Determines Your MIRAI Victor Frankl, the author of Man's Search for Meaning, once wrote, "Everything can be taken from a person but one thin…
Not Only Criticism
> 我后半段在写啥啊qaq > 写的一般,但是 grammarly 认为我可读性比纽约时报强? Recently, the whole of society has been focusing on COVID-2019. We are all discussing the latest news about this kind of COVID.…
Perfectly Imperfect
It's not easy feeling like you're always under the spotlight being judged for each little mistake you make. Your mind is in an endless circle playing what you said and did ove…
> Grammarly 95分 正常发挥 As for me, the word "appreciate" is one of the most significant words in my dictionary. When I am grateful for the love and abundance in my life right now…
Unreasonable Compensation
> Grammarly 评分:98 > 写得还算不错,不过时间还需要再压缩一下。 Recently, the Hubei Provincial Government has announced a policy. Children of medical staff, who has been working for the prevention a…
Increasingly impetuous society in China
> 写到了第二天才写完。。。 > 写炸了,才88分...以后还要继续努力啊。 > 这篇题材本身也不容易写qaq Do you remember the last time when you read a book and relax yourself? With the development of the Internet, Chinese ne…
A Great Challenge
> 2020/2/23 > 写得很闹心,一遍挨骂一边写。开始 Grammarly 只给了80多分。最后来了个94分,勉强及格。 Challenge is often encountered in our life. As for me, the greatest challenge I have ever experienced is prepar…
Enjoyment Is Not Only Confined in Free Time
> 总结:今天文章写得没有昨天好,但是写得挺快,思如泉涌qaq。 > Grammarly Point: 97 --- There is a statement: "Enjoyment is only confined to our free time, and not work." In my opinion, I don't agree with…